v0.21 🌳  

CFR Launches Ambitious New China Strategy Initiative

2024-06-25 10:24:40.618000

Chinese President Xi Jinping recently presided over the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference (CFAWC), where a strategy to counter US leadership was outlined. The conference emphasized China's diplomatic focus on the Global South, its determination to shape world events, and a departure from its previous 'wolf warrior' diplomacy. The strategy involves mobilizing support from Global South countries and dividing the West on global issues. China aims to build an international system that reflects its interests and values, promoting a 'community with a shared future for mankind' and advancing equitable global governance. Xi's recent speeches to US executives and the Boao Forum for Asia align with the CFAWC's strategy, indicating a desire to work with Washington while also maintaining regional security and forming a common regional market in Asia. The CFAWC's themes and Xi's messaging provide insights into China's foreign policy in the coming years.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has launched the China Strategy Initiative, a new endeavor on U.S. strategy toward China. Led by Rush Doshi, the initiative aims to answer four foundational questions: What does China think? What does China do? How should the United States compete? How should we manage competition? The initiative will launch new programs, provide policy recommendations, and convene experts from around the world. CFR will acquire, digitize, and translate Chinese-language material through the Open-Source Observatory. The initiative will deepen research in areas such as defense, economics, technology, and climate change. [54fdaab3] [7d6b5263]

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