Stories Tagged: diplomacy

China's Rise as an Economic Superpower and its Global Influence

China's rise to an economic superpower is redefining the financial dynamics across the globe.... (8 revisions)

Taiwan's Strategic Political Outreach in the U.S. and Its Lessons for Europe

Tensions between China, Taiwan, and the United States have escalated, with concerns that war... (22 revisions)

Japan and China Urged to Engage in Frank Talks to Improve Relations

Geopolitical tensions between Japan and China have reached a critical point, with the need for... (29 revisions)

US-Philippine Partnership Celebrates Historic Achievements on Friendship Day

On the Fourth of July, which is both U.S. Independence Day and Philippine-American Friendship... (53 revisions)

The Legacy of Henry Kissinger: Diplomacy, Controversies, and Global Impact

Henry Kissinger, the former U.S. Secretary of State, passed away at the age of 100, leaving... (1 revisions)

The Geopolitical Power Play: Chanakya's Teachings on Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution

The conflict in Ukraine continues to escalate, with President Putin's strategy proving... (2 revisions)

Tantita Security Services Supports President Tinubu's Victory and Pledges Assistance in Securing Crude Oil Pipelines

The management and entire team of Tantita Security Services Limited (TSSL) congratulated... (2 revisions)

The Historical Use of Hostages in Warfare and Diplomacy: A Tool of Terror and Political Strategy

The conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip has resulted in a significant loss of... (2 revisions)

President George Vella and Switzerland’s President Viola Amherd Advocate for Peace at International Forums

President George Vella delivered a speech at the Oxford Union, reflecting on the present state... (2 revisions)

Decoding the Symbolism and Struggles of the Biden-Xi Summit: Pandas, Pegasus, or the Chimera?

Chinese state media is shifting its tone in its coverage of President Xi Jinping's relationship... (3 revisions)

Anwar Ibrahim's Diplomatic Triumphs and Commitment to Restore Malaysia's Global Reputation

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been actively engaged in diplomatic discussions to... (4 revisions)

Argentina Appoints New Ambassador to Mend Ties with China

Argentina plans to appoint Marcelo Suarez Salvia as its new ambassador to China in an effort to... (4 revisions)

The Legacy of the US-NK Singapore Summit: Lessons Learned and the Unlikelihood of Renewed Diplomacy

Today marks the sixth anniversary of the historic 2018 Singapore Summit between former U.S.... (4 revisions)

Vietnam's 'Bamboo Diplomacy' and the Impact of its Anti-Corruption Drive

Vietnam's foreign policy approach, known as 'bamboo diplomacy', has gained momentum as the... (6 revisions)

China's Middle East Strategy Tested as Response to Israel-Gaza War Reveals Limitations

China's response to the Israel-Gaza war has exposed the limitations of its diplomatic strategy... (8 revisions)

Algeria, Slovenia, and Morocco Strengthen Strategic Partnerships in Energy, Technology, and Diplomacy

In a sign of growing partnership, Algeria, Slovenia, and Morocco have been strengthening their... (8 revisions)

The Ongoing Challenges of the North Korean Problem

The North Korean problem continues to pose challenges as it enters a new and potentially... (8 revisions)

Edinburgh Halts Deal with Taiwanese City Amid China-Taiwan Tensions

The relationship between the UK and China has encountered challenges, leading to tensions and a... (9 revisions)

Chinese President Xi Jinping Calls for International Peace Conference to Address Israel-Palestine Conflict

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for an international peace conference to address the... (9 revisions)

Croatia Continues to Support Ukraine in the Russian-Ukraine War

Indonesia's president-elect, Prabowo Subianto, aims to contribute to the resolution of the... (10 revisions)

The Influence of Senator Scoop Jackson on US Foreign Policy

Henry Kissinger, the former U.S. Secretary of State, passed away at the age of 100, leaving... (11 revisions)

China's Mediation Helps Ease Oil Export Ban Between Benin and Niger

China's mediation efforts have resulted in the easing of an oil export ban between Benin and... (12 revisions)

Henry Kissinger's Impact on the Global Economy and International Relations

Henry Kissinger, a prominent figure in American diplomacy, played a significant role in shaping... (13 revisions)

The Historical Significance of Wu Tingfang in US-China Relations

China's support for Russia is a concerning development that has significant implications for... (15 revisions)

Russia Considers Removing Afghan Taliban from Terrorist List, Sparking Controversy

Russia's foreign and justice ministries have recommended to President Putin that the ruling... (19 revisions)

CFR Launches Ambitious New China Strategy Initiative

Chinese President Xi Jinping recently presided over the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference... (21 revisions)

China's Green Marshall Plan for the Global South: Investing in Renewable Energy and Diplomacy

China's economy has experienced significant growth, resulting in a current account surplus. To... (21 revisions)

China-Arab Relations: Strengthening Political and Economic Ties

The China-Arab States Cooperation Forum recently concluded in Beijing, resulting in the Beijing... (21 revisions)

UK Ambassador to Mexico Sacked for Pointing Gun at Staff

Former Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes is facing accusations of orchestrating the expulsion... (22 revisions)

Examining the Complex Legacy of Henry Kissinger: Perspectives from Political Experts

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a scholar, statesman, and celebrity diplomat who... (23 revisions)

Indonesia's Non-Aligned Foreign Policy: Balancing Limitations and Opportunities

Indonesia's non-aligned foreign policy, established in 1961, is seen by some as a limitation and... (23 revisions)

Germany's Shift in China Policy Reflects Beijing's Changed Behavior, Says German Envoy

The ongoing trade tensions between China and the European Union (EU) have escalated further as... (25 revisions)

Vietnam's diplomatic victories and partnerships

Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Vietnam in December 2023 and Russian President Vladimir... (25 revisions)

US Shifts Educational Priorities, Prefers Indian Students in STEM Over Chinese Due to Security Concerns

China has seen a decline in the number of American students studying in its universities in... (31 revisions)

Chinese Official Zhao Leji Meets North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang in Highest-Level Talks in Years

China's highest-level visit to North Korea in nearly five years is set to get underway Thursday,... (38 revisions)

Tuvalu's New Premier Reaffirms Commitment to Taiwan, Seeks to Revisit Australia Security Pact Amid Cabinet Resignations

Feleti Teo, the newly appointed prime minister of Tuvalu, has emphasized that the country's... (41 revisions)