v0.09 🌳  

Clashes Erupt as AfD Party Aims to Govern Germany

2024-06-29 19:55:36.272000

Protests have broken out in Essen, Germany, as activists attempt to block the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party conference. The demonstrations include sit-in blockades, with tens of thousands of people participating in peaceful protests. However, the police have responded harshly in some instances, leading to injuries. Two reserve policemen were severely injured during an operation. Major food establishments in Essen have closed their doors during the conference. The protests are against right-wing extremism and have drawn over 50,000 demonstrators [e77e4c7e].

The AfD federal party conference is ongoing and is expected to continue until Sunday. Left-wing groups have called for action to block the AfD delegates' access to the convention. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has condemned the violent actions that have occurred during the conference. In response to the protests, Alice Weidel, the chairperson of the AfD party, has criticized the demonstrators [e77e4c7e].

The protests in Essen come at a time when the AfD is facing multiple controversies. One of its members, Bjoern Hoecke, is currently on trial for using a banned Nazi slogan and giving a Nazi salute. Hoecke, who is considered an extremist by German intelligence services, has courted controversy in the past with his remarks about the Holocaust monument in Berlin. Despite these scandals, Hoecke remains popular within the AfD and is aiming to become Germany's first far-right state premier in Thuringia. The AfD is currently leading in the polls in Thuringia and is expected to perform well in two other regional elections in eastern Germany in September. However, mainstream parties have ruled out cooperating with the AfD [c488eb50].

In a separate incident, a video showing 17-year-old schoolchildren from western Germany giving the Nazi salute before a visit to Auschwitz has prompted criminal investigations. The video has sparked outrage and raised concerns about the influence of far-right ideologies among young people [c488eb50].

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) declared its ambition to rise to power in Germany as its party congress kicked off in Essen. The congress attracted about 50,000 protesters, with clashes erupting between hooded demonstrators and the police. Two police officers were hospitalized following attacks by protesters. The AfD congress comes ahead of three key elections in September in states that once formed part of communist East Germany, where the AfD has been leading in opinion polls. The party's expulsion from its far-right group in the European Parliament has left the AfD searching for new partners [0eda48fb].

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