Stories Tagged: competitiveness

Korea's Economic Security: A Call for a New Growth Model

As global economic security risks escalate, South Korea faces increasing challenges that... (6 revisions)

Elias Spirtounias Elected Vice Chair of AmChams in Europe

Elias Spirtounias, Executive Director of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, has been... (10 revisions)

German Chemical Industry Calls for Business Model to Maintain Competitiveness

Germany's chemical industry is expressing concerns about its competitiveness against global... (13 revisions)

Combining Digital and Green Transformations to Improve Manufacturing Competitiveness

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for companies to combine physical and digital... (23 revisions)

The Potential Adoption of the US Dollar in Caribbean Countries for International Trade

Argentina has been grappling with high inflation rates, with rates exceeding 160% per year. The... (24 revisions)