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China Leads the World in Wind and Solar Capacity, Driving Down Coal Generation and Carbon Emissions

2024-07-11 06:58:18.841000

China is taking the lead in renewable energy as it builds more wind and solar capacity than the rest of the world combined. According to a report by DW, China has 339 gigawatts (GW) of capacity under construction, including 159 GW of wind and 180 GW of solar. This is nearly twice as much as the rest of the world combined. In comparison, the United States, in second place, is building a total of just 40 GW. China's increasing renewable capacity has resulted in a decline in coal's generation share, with the country generating a record low of 53% of its electricity from coal in May. On the other hand, a record 44% of China's electricity came from non-fossil fuel sources, indicating that the nation's carbon emissions may have peaked last year if the trend continues. China's combined wind and solar capacity is expected to surpass the rest of the world's this year. [c460681d]

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