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China's President Xi Jinping Expresses Willingness to Promote a More Mature and Stable Partnership with Australia

2024-07-01 04:25:28.217000

Australia's relationship with China has taken an important step forward with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit to the country. The visit focused on re-establishing bilateral relations and strengthening the economic ties between the two nations. China is a significant trading partner for Australia, accounting for about one-third of its exports and imports. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the talks and emphasized the need for steady progress in the relationship. While negative attitudes towards China still exist in the media and among politicians, Australian societal attitudes are gradually warming. Former Prime Minister Paul Keating has criticized the 'China threat' narrative and called for a more cooperative approach. He believes that Australia has the potential to play a crucial role in alleviating tensions between China and the US by accepting its geographical location as part of Asia and leveraging its close relationship with both countries. Keating suggests that Australia should aim to be a bridge rather than a Western spearhead into Asia. Currently, Australia is seen as destabilizing the region and needs to change its practices and advocate for a change in US policy. There is a role for Australia in promoting regional stability and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, but it will require a radical reorientation of current policies.

One of the big questions hanging over the future of Australian trade and investment with China is whether it is possible to engage more closely with Beijing while ensuring national security, sovereignty, and self-respect. In the Howard years, the question was set aside in the belief that Australia did not need to choose between prosperity and security. However, this assumption was challenged when Xi Jinping came to power in 2013 and made it clear that, for China at least, trade, investment, and security were interconnected. This rupture became evident in August 2016 when an authoritative bilateral report calling for closer economic engagement clashed with then-Treasurer Scott Morrison's veto on China's State Grid purchasing a regional electricity network in New South Wales [a0385836].

Australia has requested military talks with China and is strengthening its relationship with the Philippines, according to Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles. The request for military talks with China comes as Australia seeks to address recent encounters with China's military that it deemed unsafe and unprofessional. Australia is also looking to enhance its strategic relationship with the Philippines, particularly in the context of the disputed South China Sea. Marles expressed optimism about the growing relationship between Australia and the Philippines and the potential for further growth. Australia has increased its presence in the region and conducted joint amphibious exercises with the Philippines. The country sees its relationship with the Philippines as being taken to a new level and welcomes the strategic dimension being put in place [c445ec0e].

In a recent development, China's President Xi Jinping expressed willingness to work with Australia to promote a more mature, stable, and fruitful China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnership. Xi made the remarks in his congratulatory message to Australia's new Governor-General Sam Mostyn. He emphasized that a healthy and stable development of Sino-Australia relations is conducive to regional and world peace, stability, development, and prosperity [86fc33a9].

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