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Argentina and US Strengthen Ties with Joint Naval Drills

2024-05-31 01:57:54.308000

Argentina and the United States conducted joint naval exercises called 'Gringo-Gaucho' off the coast of Mar del Plata. These drills, the first since 2010, were a demonstration of the closer ties between the two countries under President Javier Milei. US Commander Alexis Walker emphasized the friendship and partnership between Argentina and the US, while Argentina's Defense Minister Luis Petri described the opportunity to train alongside US forces as 'transcendental.' US Ambassador to Argentina Marc Stanley praised the current relationship between the two countries and highlighted Argentina's recent purchase of US-made F-16 fighter jets. Milei, a right-wing economist and the current president of Argentina, has been actively working to strengthen ties with the US and has been critical of China and Russia [939e2aff].

This joint naval exercise is part of Milei's efforts to align Argentina more closely with the United States. Milei's government has been pursuing a foreign policy that emphasizes strengthening ties with Western powers and attracting investment. The drills with the US fleet demonstrate Argentina's commitment to this realignment and its desire for closer cooperation with the US in the military sphere. The exercises also serve as a symbolic show of support for the US and its strategic interests in the region. Milei's administration has been critical of China and Russia, and this joint exercise with the US fleet further underscores Argentina's shift in global alignment [939e2aff].

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