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WVU Medicine Recognized as Best Hospital in the Ohio Valley

2023-11-19 06:04:19.752000

WVU Medicine, the largest employer in the Ohio Valley region, has been recognized as the best hospital in the area. The recognition came as part of an event organized by The Intelligencer, Wheeling News-Register, and Times Leader newspapers, where local businesses in the Ohio Valley were awarded for their service in over 150 different categories. WVU Medicine received the award for best hospital and other medical categories. The event aimed to honor and thank the businesses that contribute to the community and economy of the Ohio Valley. WVU Medicine's growth and impact on the local economy have been significant, with the organization becoming the largest employer in the region. The acquisition of multiple hospitals and the construction of a regional cancer center and an outpatient pediatric care hospital demonstrate WVU Medicine's dedication to expanding healthcare services and improving the health of the population. The organization's commitment to rural areas and its ranking among the top 10% of hospital systems in the country further highlight its importance. The president and CEO of WVU Medicine has emphasized the organization's commitment to improving the health of West Virginia and the surrounding states. [c086135f][0de42b90][e22ebecd]

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