Stories Tagged: policy

The Battle for Control: Policy, Party, and the Stakes of the Upcoming Election

The upcoming presidential election in the United States is not only about the candidates but... (35 revisions)

The Potential of Techno-Progressive Governance: Balancing Technological Progress and Societal Well-being

In different parts of the world, the importance of good governance in driving economic... (2 revisions)

The Economic Fallout of Climate Change and the Need for Macroeconomic Policy Responses

Turn to the financial news, and it seems like the main topic of discussion is what's happening... (6 revisions)

Concerns Over Legislation Limiting Family Stays in Massachusetts Homeless Shelters; NYC Audit Finds Haphazard Policy on Migrant Family Shelter Stays

Homeless shelter providers in Massachusetts are expressing concerns as lawmakers consider... (11 revisions)

U.S. Chamber Outlines Sustainability Policy Agenda and Announces Summit

U.S. Chamber of Commerce has outlined its sustainability policy agenda and announced the... (13 revisions)

IMF and World Bank's spring meetup in Egypt focuses on business, finance, and policy news from the Arab world

The IMF and World Bank's spring meetup is currently taking place in Egypt. It is day three of... (18 revisions)

AI's Potential Role in Assessing Housing Need and Delivering Social Homes

The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to assist in assessing housing need and improving... (22 revisions)

US Election Uncertainty and Slowdown: Potential Impact on Markets

Uncertainty surrounding the upcoming US presidential election is expected to rise as the... (23 revisions)

Banking Executives and Apollo CEO Discuss Soft Landing and Capital Rules Amidst US Economy Concerns

Banking executives in the United States recently discussed various topics including a potential... (27 revisions)