On December 24, 2024, political tensions in India escalated as Congress leaders, including Pawan Khera and KC Venugopal, criticized the BJP government for fostering communal hatred and failing to adequately address border security issues related to Rohingya infiltrators. Venugopal announced a Congress Working Committee meeting scheduled for December 26 in Belagavi, commemorating a historic session from 100 years ago, followed by a rally on December 27 [59b61db8].
This criticism comes in the wake of a crackdown on illegal Bangladeshi immigration, which resulted in 11 arrests and the seizure of fake documents. The BJP government, led by Amit Shah, has been under scrutiny for its handling of these immigration issues, prompting a review meeting on new criminal laws [59b61db8].
In a separate incident, actor Allu Arjun was questioned by police regarding a tragic stampede that occurred during a film screening on December 4, which led to the death of a woman. This incident has drawn public attention and raised concerns about safety at public events [59b61db8].
Additionally, the Delhi High Court has scheduled a hearing for January 15 regarding a bail petition for Tahir Hussain, who is involved in the 2020 violence case, further highlighting the ongoing legal and political challenges facing the country [59b61db8].
Amid these developments, heavy snowfall in Himachal Pradesh has disrupted travel plans, and a major fire incident in Ahmedabad has added to the day's news, showcasing the diverse range of issues currently affecting India [59b61db8].