Sammy Meilaq, a 75-year-old socialist and former confidante of Dom Mintoff, has voiced strong... (6 revisions)
Cuba's socialist revolution, led by Fidel Castro, has been characterized by a strong emphasis on... (7 revisions)
Venezuela continues to grapple with severe economic challenges exacerbated by U.S. sanctions and... (13 revisions)
The Rio Cataniapo Commune, formed by 15 community councils in response to Hugo Chávez's call for... (19 revisions)
Since the middle of the 1850s, economists and social scientists have been predicting the... (19 revisions)
Che Guevara, a prominent figure in the Cuban Revolution, served as the president of the National... (28 revisions)
America is currently navigating complex social and economic challenges, with race playing a... (31 revisions)