Stories Tagged: patents

InterDigital's Stock Soars on License Renewals with Major Tech Companies

InterDigital, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDCC) experienced a significant surge in its stock price following... (1 revisions)

Ireland and Denmark's Economies Contract Due to Decline in Pharma Production

Ireland, which experienced economic growth during the Covid-19 pandemic due to the presence of... (2 revisions)

UN Nears Landmark Deal on Combatting Biopiracy Amid Senate Hearings on Anti-Online Piracy Bills

The United Nations agency dealing with patenting and innovation, WIPO, is finalizing a treaty to... (11 revisions)

TEPA's IP Encroachment: A New Barrier to Indigenous Innovation

India and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), which includes Switzerland, Norway,... (17 revisions)