Stories Tagged: pilots

SriLankan Airlines pilots flying fewer hours than permitted: Minister

Pilots at state-run SriLankan Airlines are flying around 63 hours a month, which is lower than... (1 revisions)

Sri Lanka Firms Exit PwC to Join Deloitte, President Supports Two-State Solution to Israel-Palestine Conflict

Sri Lanka firms in the PwC network have announced their decision to exit the network and join... (2 revisions)

FedEx Encourages Pilots to Switch to American Airlines Feeder Operator Amidst Layoffs

FedEx Express is encouraging its pilots to take jobs at a regional passenger carrier due to a... (2 revisions)

Proposed Changes to De Minimis Policy Could Have Negative Impact on US Supply Chains and Consumers

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and several partners are urging the White House... (20 revisions)