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Sri Lanka Firms Exit PwC to Join Deloitte, President Supports Two-State Solution to Israel-Palestine Conflict

2023-10-10 03:16:11.983000

Sri Lanka firms in the PwC network have announced their decision to exit the network and join the Deloitte network, effective October 28. The firms have extended their best wishes to each other, and PwC Sri Lanka will leave the PwC network on October 27. The PwC network no longer has firms in Sri Lanka but maintains a strong presence in the region. The decision to join Deloitte is aligned with the firm's strategic direction and business goals, and it is expected to add to the potential for growth in key service areas. The partners and teams leading the work for clients will continue to do so, ensuring a seamless transition. Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe expressed support for a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict and called for an immediate end to the fighting. He also expressed concern over fuel prices and their impact on developing economies. Pilots at SriLankan Airlines are flying fewer hours than permitted by regulations, according to Aviation Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva. Sri Lanka has lifted import controls on more than 60 items, including cereals, shampoo, soap, and tableware, according to a gazette notice issued by President Wickremesinghe. Import controls on cars remain in place. Sri Lanka has scrapped import controls in an effort to boost revenue and address the balance of payments issue caused by printing money and controlling imports. [dd5670c9] [152c1b9e] [da1b9d58]

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