Stories Tagged: spending

Wall Street Awaits Key Inflation Report, Providing Insights into the Economy

US stocks edged higher on positive inflation data which showed the Federal Reserve’s preferred... (129 revisions)

Valentine's Day Spending and Its Impact on the U.S. Economy

Valentine's Day spending in the United States is expected to reach nearly $26 billion, according... (10 revisions)

Economists Express Concerns Over Softening Massachusetts and Oregon Economies

The economic outlook for Massachusetts and Oregon is raising concerns among economists. In... (14 revisions)

Biden Adds More to National Debt Than Trump: Analysis

Lawmakers in the US are engaged in a heated debate over whether to raise taxes or cut spending... (23 revisions)

Minnesota's Job Market Continues to Grow, Unemployment Rate Drops to 2.5%

Despite a slowdown in job growth in February, Minnesota's job market rebounded in March with the... (48 revisions)