Stories Tagged: PwC

Sri Lanka Firms Exit PwC to Join Deloitte, President Supports Two-State Solution to Israel-Palestine Conflict

Sri Lanka firms in the PwC network have announced their decision to exit the network and join... (2 revisions)

How Early is Too Early for Holiday Shopping?

As the holiday shopping season evolves, it now begins as early as September, with nearly 40% of... (7 revisions)

PwC's Strategic Shift Following Evergrande Audit Scandal and Penalties

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is undergoing significant changes in leadership and strategy in... (15 revisions)

South Africa's Economic Outlook for 2025: A Year of Cautious Optimism

As of January 2025, South Africa's economic outlook is showing signs of improvement compared to... (75 revisions)