Stories Tagged: Buddhism

Are Stoicism and Buddhism Healthy Philosophies for Modern Life?

Annie Lawson explores how Marcus Aurelius' stoic philosophy can be applied to cope with the... (2 revisions)

Monks from Tashi Kyil Monastery Purchase Tibetan Center in Kingston, NY; Medicom Toy's 'Akashic Records' Exhibition Debuts in Bangkok, Blending Art with Philanthropy

A group of monks from the Tashi Kyil Monastery in India have purchased the Tibetan Center in the... (2 revisions)

The Intersection of Right Livelihood and Economic Justice

In addition to the struggle for economic justice and the importance of leisure time, the concept... (3 revisions)

Dunhuang Caves: A Cultural Bridge Between East and West

The Dunhuang Caves, a UNESCO World Heritage site located in Gansu Province, China, continue to... (9 revisions)

Greater Bay Airlines Expands Routes to Zhoushan and Beyond

Greater Bay Airlines has recently launched flights to Zhoushan, a city in China known for the... (9 revisions)

How Has China Maintained Religious Harmony Over Centuries?

China's historical landscape is marked by a remarkable ability to foster peaceful coexistence... (30 revisions)