Stories Tagged: populism

The Rise of 'Populimobism': Causes and Implications for Nigerian Youth

A new study report by Chain Reactions Africa has revealed the causes of a new variant of... (1 revisions)

Can Progressive Politics Effectively Combat the Far-Right?

At the recent Fabian Society Conference, Wes Streeting articulated a critical perspective on the... (6 revisions)

The Impact of Top-Down Economic Policies on Income Inequality and Populism in the US

In a recent analysis by Bill Schmick in the Berkshire Eagle, the impact of top-down economic... (9 revisions)

Romania's Presidential Election: A Battle Between Nationalism and Leftism

On November 24, 2024, Romania will hold the first round of its presidential election, featuring... (18 revisions)

Is a Populist Revolt the Future of the Democratic Party?

As the Democratic Party grapples with declining support from young voters and the aftermath of... (20 revisions)

Can Kamala Harris Inspire Joy in Political Campaigning for Starmer?

Kamala Harris, the likely Democratic presidential nominee, is navigating the complexities of... (22 revisions)

What Makes the U.S. Truly Exceptional: A Closer Look at Economic and Social Disparities

In a recent opinion piece by Martin Wolf in the Financial Times, the complexities of the U.S.... (23 revisions)

What Does Trump's Inauguration Mean for Latin American Populism?

As Donald Trump's second inauguration approaches on January 20, 2025, the event is set to... (41 revisions)

The Influence of Tech Leaders on Democracy and Society

In a recent interview, Yuval Noah Harari emphasized the significant role that unelected tech... (45 revisions)

Is Viktor Orbán's Influence in the EU Overstated?

The ongoing debate over digital economy regulation has escalated into a significant cultural... (52 revisions)