Stories Tagged: Syria

Kissinger at 100: A Complex Historical Legacy

Henry Kissinger, a complex figure in global affairs, passed away at the age of 100, leaving... (2 revisions)

US Extends National Emergency on Syria for Another Year

The United States has extended the national emergency with respect to the actions of the Syrian... (4 revisions)

Philos Project and Introduce Novena for Peace in Israel and Lebanon During Critical Feast Days

On Palm Sunday, April 28, 2024, the celebration took place in Jerusalem, Syria, and Lebanon. The... (6 revisions)

US Army Airstrike Kills Senior ISIS Official in Syria

In a recent development, the US Army has announced that it conducted an airstrike in Syria,... (8 revisions)

Armenian Vice President Receives German Bundestag Members to Discuss Armenia-Germany Relations and Crossroads of Peace Project

Armenian Vice President Ruben Rubinyan met with members of the Social-Democratic Faction of the... (8 revisions)

Russia's Calculated Moves in the Israel-Hamas Conflict to Expand Global Influence

Russia has been carefully maneuvering in the Israel-Hamas conflict, issuing calibrated criticism... (11 revisions)

Syrian Heritage at Risk as U.S. Blockade Impacts Antiquities

Dozens of archaeological sites in Afghanistan have been bulldozed for looting since the Taliban... (13 revisions)

Syria Criticizes Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights

Human rights groups, including Amnesty International, have condemned Lebanon for its unlawful... (13 revisions)

International Donors Pledge $8.1 Billion in Aid for Conflict-Hit Syrians and Afghanistan Faces Critical Funding Gaps

The ongoing civil war in Syria has received a boost in humanitarian aid, with international... (15 revisions)

Repatriation and Reintegration Efforts for US and Canadian Citizens from Syria

The US has successfully repatriated 11 American citizens and six Canadian children from camps in... (28 revisions)