Stories Tagged: pollution

Residents living near the famous Belgian highway express concerns about their quality of life

In a recent article by DH Les Sports+, the lives of residents living near the Ring, a... (3 revisions)

Chinese-Owned Steel Mill in Serbia Causes Severe Air Pollution and Health Concerns

Residents of the village of Radinac in Serbia have been living with heavy air pollution and a... (4 revisions)

The Evolution of Major U.S. City Skylines: Then and Now

In the late 19th century, cities in the United States experienced rapid growth due to increasing... (5 revisions)

Employers and Workers Call for Review of PUV Modernization Program in the Philippines

The Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) in the Philippines is facing criticism... (7 revisions)

Calls for Increased Philanthropic Support as Air Quality Funding Plateaus

A recent report from the Clean Air Fund (CAF) highlights the need for increased philanthropic... (7 revisions)

The South Bronx: A Struggle Against Poverty, Pollution, and Inequality

The South Bronx, the poorest congressional district in the country, faces numerous challenges... (10 revisions)

Reimagining Economies: Worker Cooperatives in Appalachia and a Venezuelan Commune's Alternative Economy

A group called ReImagine Appalachia is working to revitalize the economy in Ohio and nearby... (18 revisions)